介绍: TheracetogettoMarsison,seizingtheimaginationoftheworld.Everymonththere…… 更多目的地:火星介绍
目的地:火星原名:Destination: Mars,又名目的地火星
The race to get to Mars is on, seizing the imagination of the world. Every month there seems to be a new revelation. The latest: conclusive evidence that water flows on Mars. The race to set foot on the red planet is happening, and it's happening now. Billions are being spent. Rockets are being tested. How will we get there? How will we transform Mars? Should we? Are we embarki...
We believe that we will have humans in the vicinity of Mars. This curiosity that pushes us to do things but also that drive to go beyond to outdo ourselves, to out-perform ourselves. That is what makes us so intriguing as a species.