斯科特·巴利 Scott Barley

斯科特·巴利 Scott Barley
  • 性别:
  • 星座:天蝎座
  • 出生地:英国,威尔士
  • 职业:导演 / 编剧

斯科特·巴利 Scott Barley简介


Scott Barley is a British artist and filmmaker from South Wales, United Kingdom. His work has been screened across Europe and The Americas, including The Institute of Contemporary Arts London, BFI Southbank, Sheffield Doc Fest, Doclisboa, Karlovy Vary IFF, Dokufest, EYE Filmmuseum, Vancouver International Film Centre, Museum of Modern Art Rio, Museum of Contemporary Art Buenos Aires, and Fronteira International Documentary & Experimental Film Festival. His work has been associated with the Remodernist film and slow cinema movements. His films are primarily concerned with the Anthropocene, cosmology, and phenomenology. His output has been compared with the sensibilities of Stan Brakhage, Philippe Grandrieux, Béla Tarr, Maya Deren, and Jean Epstein.

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