“I am the fallen Angel. Where I see bliss, I am excluded. I was benevolent and good. Misery made me a fiend!” / Loneliness has been the curse of ** life. What should I have done if ** imagination had not been ** companion? 玛丽雪莱一生与死亡的阴影缠绕,她的母亲死于难产,她的初恋发生在墓地,在她二十多岁时,她的丈夫、孩子,姐姐甚至情敌都相继离世。她孤独地活了下来。“科学怪人”这本书就像她命运的写照,给予她生命的人抛弃了她,她爱的人都离开她,她怀疑自己是否是个不该存在的怪物?
Bring death to life. 1816, Summer of Darkness. Qtd. from the end of this documentary: "Byron never mentioned Percy in his verse. Without Mary's determination to establish him, it's possible that we may not know the name or work of Percy Bysshe Shelley today."
不记得creature有个弟弟了 = = 还以为主线是电闪雷鸣风雨交加之夜玛丽、雪莱和拜伦三人畅谈写恐怖小说(咦,那不就成《科学怪人的新娘》开场了麼),玛丽的悲惨遭遇铸就了小说,而雪莱身后的成功也全拜她所赐,鞠三躬。
hypocrites; under-5 mortality rate seems incredibly high at that time......
“I am the fallen Angel. Where I see bliss, I am excluded. I was benevolent and good. Misery made me a fiend!” / Loneliness has been the curse of ** life. What should I have done if ** imagination had not been ** companion? 玛丽雪莱一生与死亡的阴影缠绕,她的母亲死于难产,她的初恋发生在墓地,在她二十多岁时,她的丈夫、孩子,姐姐甚至情敌都相继离世。她孤独地活了下来。“科学怪人”这本书就像她命运的写照,给予她生命的人抛弃了她,她爱的人都离开她,她怀疑自己是否是个不该存在的怪物?
Bring death to life. 1816, Summer of Darkness. Qtd. from the end of this documentary: "Byron never mentioned Percy in his verse. Without Mary's determination to establish him, it's possible that we may not know the name or work of Percy Bysshe Shelley today."