Corporate Ghost


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  • 豆瓣评分:  8.8
  • 演员: Sonic Youth
  • 类型:纪录片 / 音乐
  • 地区: 美国
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Corporate Ghost剧情内容介绍

Corporate Ghost

Since this is a compilation of songs starting at the Goo album,I won't be too harsh on the fact that Sonic Youth made a lot of ***** albums before that(EVOL and Daydream Nation rank amongst the greatest albums ever made)which aren't present on this DVD.  This DVD is a ***** add-on for any fan of the band as I am myself.The videos might be cheezy at times,but it's obviously all a...

发布于2004年。由Lance Bangs、Tamra Davis执导,集众多位Sonic Youth等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2004-06-08公映的电影。


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Corporate Ghost评价

  • 90~02年的mv合集,我居然真的每一个都看过。导演阵容那么豪华应该是Kim的LA背景和影像本科以及**团的跨界热情和好品味造成的,记得在某个乐评杂志看过,说SY在90年代的流行化跟MTV关系挺大,我信

  • 看The Empty ****的mv,原来SY女粉都这么Gothic的
