英雄 网剧版

Heroes: Going Postal (Webisodes)(2008)

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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Kiko Ellsworth / Rebeka Montoya / Brian Prescott
  • 类型:剧情 / 科幻
  • 地区: 美国
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英雄 网剧版剧情内容介绍

英雄 网剧版原名:Heroes: Going Postal (Webisodes),

NBC在Heroes3之前推出的**短剧  Echo就是拥有超能力的postman  Born in San Diego but raised on military bases around the world, Echo DeMille now lives in Los Angeles, with his girlfriend of two years, Gina. A mailman by day and a DJ by night, Echo lives by the mantra that "there's music in everything." He prides himself on his ability to get the ***** started as a DJ. While working in a dance club t...

发布于2008年。由Yule Caise执导,并且由编剧Yule Caise、Jim Martin携幕后团队创作。集众多位Kiko Ellsworth、Rebeka Montoya、Brian Prescott、Mark Steger、James Ryen等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2008-07-14公映的电影。


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英雄 网剧版评价

  • 觉得没什么联系吧...这个人后面也没出现啊~

  • 连这个都有啊...不过在第三季里面第五极的犯人里我好象没见着这狮吼男啊...看来互动还是没做好啊...要是在正篇里出现才有意思啊...**剧的特效水准和正篇相比还是很有差啊...
