介绍: Intheyear2000,LesBlank,alongwithco-filmmakerGinaLeibrecht,visitedRicha…… 更多如何闻一朵玫瑰:在里查德·利科克的诺曼底农场对他的一次拜访介绍
如何闻一朵玫瑰:在里查德·利科克的诺曼底农场对他的一次拜访原名:How to Smell a Rose: A Visit with Ricky Leacock at his Farm in Normandy,
In the year 2000, Les Blank, along with co-filmmaker Gina Leibrecht, visited Richard Leacock (1921-2011) at his farm in Normandy, France and recorded conversations with him about his life, his work, and his other passion: cooking! With the flair of a seasoned raconteur, Leacock recounts key moments in his seventy years as a filmmaker and the innovations that he, D.A. Pennebaker...
发布于2014年。由莱斯·布兰克、Gina Leibrecht执导,并且由编剧Gina Leibrecht携幕后团队创作。集众多位里查德·利科克等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2014-08-30(特柳赖德电影节)公映的电影。