介绍: ItstriplethetroublewhenTrakeenateamsupwithOlympiustostealalloftheEarth…… 更多美版 救急战队介绍
美版 救急战队原名:Power Rangers in 3D: Triple Force,
It's triple the trouble when Trakeena teams up with Olympius to steal all of the Earth's power. Their plan? To capture humans and use them as an energy source to give Trakeena **** power than she's ever had before. No one will be able to defeat her! Not even the Lightspeed Rescue Power Rangers! The world's only hope -- a small girl named Heather. It's up to her to find the cour...
发布于2000年。由Ryuta Tazaki执导,并且由编剧Judd Lynn携幕后团队创作。集众多位Michael Chaturantabut、Sean Cw Johnson、Alison MacInnis、Keith Robinson、Sasha Craig等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2000公映的电视剧。