介绍: DuringtheGermanoccupationofRomefrom1943-1944,KerrymanMonsignorHughOFla…… 更多梵蒂冈的红花侠介绍
梵蒂冈的红花侠原名:Pimpernel of the Vatican: The Amazing Story of Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty,
During the German occupation of Rome from 1943-1944, Kerryman Monsignor Hugh O Flaherty ran an escape organisation for Allied POWs and civilians, including Jews. He built a network of contacts and safe locations and his helpers included communists, British soldiers, the singer Delia Murphy and many others. The work was dangerous. Safe within the Vatican State, he regularly vent...
豆瓣评分未知,暂时没有评分,请继续等待。类型为纪录片、传记、历史的电影。创作于意大利地区,具有爱尔兰语 Irish语言版本。