介绍: WhenPeterParkermeetshisoldfriendEddieBrockforthefirsttimein5years,Eddi…… 更多复仇蜘蛛侠介绍
复仇蜘蛛侠原名:The Avenging Spider-Man,
When Peter Parker meets his old friend Eddie Brock for the first time in 5 years, Eddie tells him that he's moved back to inherit his and Peter's dead dads' work. Eddie takes him to his their dads' old lab at Oscorp and find something called "The Suit" which was meant to cure cancer and holds hope for the future. Later on, Peter sneaks in to the lab and gets bitten by a radio a...
发布于2015年。由Cameron Dodd执导,并且由编剧史蒂夫·迪特寇、Cameron Dodd携幕后团队创作。集众多位Kosta Stylianou、Greg Campbell、Hussein Mohammed、Alyssa McGarrity、Adam Mcilmoyle、Dash Matias等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2015-05-17公映的电影。