完美男人原名:Tall, Dark and Handsome,又名**潇洒。1941年喜剧、犯罪类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由H·布鲁斯·亨伯斯通执导,并由卡尔·顿伯格、达雷尔·韦尔任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位恺撒·罗摩洛、弗吉尼亚·吉尔摩、米尔顿·伯利、夏洛特·格林伍德等著名实力派明星加盟。于1941-01-24(美国)公映。
Cesar Romero plays an outwardly tough prohibition-era gangster who in reality wouldn't hurt a fly. He maintains his "killer" reputation by planting evidence of his involvement at the scenes of other crooks' crimes. Romero begins aspiring for respectability when he falls in love with Virginia Gilmore and adopts the orphaned Stanley Clements. Through his own non-homicidal means, ...