介绍: Thesenseisthatagoodfellow,VolodyaMezhirovfromMoscow,aftergraduatingthe…… 更多障碍地带介绍
障碍地带原名:Полоса препятствий,又名Stripe of Obstacles、Полоса препятствий
The sense is that a good fellow, Volodya Mezhirov from Moscow, after graduating the Institute of Art soldiers as a marine. He is very casual with the province guys, take them as equals and invites them to visit him in Moscow after demobilization. That's the prelude. But then the sad story begins: how the talented artist Mezhirov forgets his high destination and goes to work in ...
发布于1984年。由米哈伊尔·图曼尼什维利执导,并且由编剧Vladimir Kunin携幕后团队创作。集众多位欧列格·缅希科夫、安德烈·米亚赫科夫、Rimma Korostelyova等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1984(苏联)公映的电影。