介绍: 14outof18peoplefoundthefollowingcommentuseful:-Communistdramaprojected…… 更多大地骄子介绍
大地骄子原名:Cel mai iubit dintre pamînteni,
14 out of 18 people found the following comment useful:- Communist drama projected upon a learned man, 13 March 2003 Author: Gabriel Sarzea from Ploiesti, Romania The title of the movie is somehow paradoxical, since nothing that happens in the movie doesn't come to sustain the idea that might arise from the blunt reception of the title. The main issue that the movie tries to ta...
发布于1993年。由Serban Marinescu执导,集众多位Stefan Iordache, Gheorghe Dinica, Dorel Visan, Maia Morgenstern等著名实力派明星加盟。