51 Birch Street


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  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区: 德国 / 美国
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51 Birch Street剧情内容介绍

51 Birch Street

Documentary filmmaker Doug Block had every reason to believe his parents' 54-year marriage was a good one. But when his mother dies unexpectedly and his father swiftly marries his former secretary, he discovers two parents who are far **** complex and troubled than he ever imagined. 51 Birch Street is a riveting personal documentary that explores a universal human question: how...

发布于2005年。由Doug Block执导,并于2005-09-14公映的电影。


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51 Birch Street评价

  • 在母亲的猝死和父亲的突然另娶后,本片导演逐渐挖掘出关于他父母亲一直深藏着的惊人秘密,从而试图探讨家庭和婚姻的联系。本片成功之处在于导演大胆引导观众**他的个人经历和家庭秘密,以激**感上的巨大共鸣以及深沉的思考。****。

  • so gripping, learning about your parents is always a scary deal, it is hard for me ****** imagine how difficult marriage could be, the rabbi on wax and wane of a marriage, at the end his father telling him that he is fortunate to have his son and his family.

  • 非常personal. 有时候你开始拍一个故事的时候,根本不会知道这会是一个怎样的故事。

  • “Marriage is not a love association but a function association.”

  • 无聊无聊 不过想探求婚姻与真爱的可以去看看
