介绍: AftertheRevolution,gayswerenotrespectedinCuba,butinthesmallHavananeigh…… 更多脚手架上的蝴蝶介绍
脚手架上的蝴蝶原名:Mariposas en el andamio,又名Butterflies on a Scaffold
After the Revolution, gays were not respected in Cuba, but in the small Havana neighborhood of La Güinera, a few courageous women came to power and encouraged the *** community. Glamorous gowns fashioned from grain sacks and eyelashes made out of carbon ***** are the reality of drag in Cuba. In La Güinera, *** transvestite performers have earned respect and status through creat...
发布于1996年。由Luis Felipe Bernaza, Margaret Gilpin执导,并且由编剧路易斯·费利佩·阿尔瓦拉多携幕后团队创作。并于1996公映的电影。