Director's Note “Our whole life can be nothing but one continued dream. Perhaps at the instant of death, we shall awake, and then see all that we believed real was nothing but a dream.” Fénelon, Dialogues of the Dead (1712) MUSA is the love story of two men, Simos and Musa, who probably met one night in an elusive, secretly erotic place. We follow them closely, during their f...
正在播放:穆萨高清正片 。 更新于,播放来源于云播TP。
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剧情介绍:高清正片-Director's Note “Our whole life can be nothing but one continued dream. Perhaps at the instant of death, we shall awake, and then see all that we believed real was nothing but a dream.” Fénelon, Dialogues of the Dead (1712) MUSA is the love story of two men, Simos and Musa, who probably met one night in an elusive, secretly erotic place. We follow them closely, during their f...——八戒分享提供。