被诅咒的海原名:Les ****és de la mer,又名*** Verdammten des Meeres。2008年纪录片类型片,创作于比利时、摩洛哥、**地区,具有***语、英语、瑞典语语言版本。由贾瓦德·里卜执导,并由贾瓦德·里卜任编剧,携幕后团队创作。于2008-11-22(荷兰)公映。
Thousands of small Moroccan fishermen from Essaouira, Safi and Agadir have to move further down south to Dakhla in the Sahara hoping to catch some fish. A hellish struggle starts. In the background, trawlers from foreign countries drag the waters with their death nets, killing an entire ecosystem.