介绍: Thisfaultlessproductionhasadream-likequality.Thefrustrationsanduncerta…… 更多爱之夏介绍
爱之夏原名:Lato milosci,又名Summer of Love
This faultless production has a dream-like quality. The frustrations and uncertainties of young people in love during lazy days in summer are beautifully portrayed. I was puzzled by the reference to all the dead bees that summer (apparently it happens sometimes). Perhaps it suggests that in nature nothing is certain. Human relationships are likewise unpredictable in their outco...
发布于1994年。由菲利克斯·法尔克执导,并且由编剧伊凡·蒲宁、菲利克斯·法尔克携幕后团队创作。集众多位Ewa Bukowska、恩斯特·罗曼诺夫、Stefaniya Stanyuta、Siergiej Sznyriew、Darya Poverennova、Alyona Lisovskaya、Anatolij Tierpicki、Piotr Jurczenkow、Tatiana Popowa等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1994-12-08(波兰)公映的电影。